Re-roofing CarMax Signature Metal Roof Canopies
The CarMax in Tinley Park, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, needed its two signature entryway canopies re-roofed. The current standing seam metal roofs were aging and were experiencing some oil canning (bending). Along with the company logo, these two roofs are the most distinguishable features for each location so they need to be just right. Our mechanics fabricated new metal panels in our warehouse from pre-painted sheet metal from Berridge Manufacturing Co. Fabricating the panels ourselves using our roll former allowed us to create panels with the exact length, width, and profile we needed, and also to add low-profile, v-shaped striations as an engineering control against oil canning. We completed the job in November 2017 and it went off without a hitch.
We extend our appreciation to Merik, a building envelope consulting firm, for referring CarMax to Sentry Roof Services.
Swipe through the slides to see what we did (turn mobile device sideways for best viewing):
Client: CarMax
Industry: Commercial
Project Type: Re-roof
Square Footage: 1,500 SF
System Installed: Metal