Hurricane Irma and Your Roof

During significant weather events like hurricane Irma, Sentry Roof modifies our regular procedures to protect the property of as many of our clients as possible.

During major storms our goals are to:

  • Respond to you and as many clients as we can as fast as we can
  • Provide triage-level repairs to stop leaks for the short-term so we can quickly move on to the next roof
  • Return to your property to properly repair the leak and assess any damage once all emergency repairs have been made

This process protects properties and ensures the final repair is up to our standards and maintains your warranty. As always, we only send qualified, experienced technicians to repair roofs, even in response to weather events and when we’re very busy. Also, please keep in mind that safety always comes first.

For storms that cause a lot of damage, our repair schedule for the following week or weeks can get backed up. We appreciate your understanding.

What to do if you are an existing customer and need help:

  • Call us at (678) 301-5555
  • Or fill out the form and provide details

Please be patient if you get placed on hold, reach our voice mailbox or don’t receive an immediate reply.

We will respond to every customer request and get you on the schedule as soon as we are able. As we are not an emergency-repair roofing company, we are not set up to provide 24-hour service. However, we work extended hours during extreme situations and are committed to doing everything we can to solve your roofing problem and protect your property.

Sentry Roof Care subscribers:

If you subscribe to the Sentry Roof Care maintenance program, you will receive priority scheduling. Also, please call to schedule a roof inspection once the storm passes if you feel there may have been damage to your roof or if your roof drainage system needs attention.

What to do if you are not an existing customer:

We are glad to help you resolve your leak issue as quickly as possible. As you likely understand, existing Sentry customers are our first priority but we will get you on the schedule. Please call (678) 301-5555 to speak with a Sentry representative to see if the schedule can meet your needs.

Weather Event Service Request

Roof damage to storms

Storms can bring down tree limbs and other debris on roofs, which can puncture and otherwise damage roofing systems. Strong winds may also stress systems beyond their capacities, particularly along edges where roofing material may have become loose. Older roofs and roofs that have not been well-maintained are especially susceptible. In addition, some roofs that don’t normally leak during storms may experience leaks with extreme rain and wind, often due to obstructed or overwhelmed roof drainage systems. This is much less likely with regular maintenance. We highly recommend regular maintenance to ensure your roof is in the best shape possible to weather tough storms and protect your property.